Scripture Cake
Apparently, I have been missing one of the tastiest ways to do Bible study ever invented. It’s called a Scripture cake, and I discovered the idea in an American history book I was writing a review for. In the book the author, Amy Puetz, shares how the Puritans wrote a recipe in a simple code that required a thorough knowledge of your Bible to decipher. Whether the idea started with the Puritans or not, we may never know, but the idea remains an engaging way to bake eternal truths into the heart. Here’s how it works:
Take a recipe and replace all the ingredients with Scripture references. The Puritans used the King James Bible, but you can use whatever version is your family’s favorite. For example, ¾ cup sugar becomes ¾ cup Jeremiah 6:20 (sweet cane); ½ teaspoon salt becomes ½ teaspoon Leviticus 2:13.
Let’s give it a try. See if you can decipher the following ingredients. For verses that mention more than one ingredient, I have included a partial quote so that you can identify the right portion of the verse.
½ cup Psalm 55:21 (“smoother than…”)
1 Tablespoon Psalm 19:10
½ cup 2 Samuel 16:1 (“bunches of…”)
3 of Isaiah 10:14
Now let’s brainstorm some more ingredients. Leave a comment below with a Scripture reference (and version) and the ingredient it identifies. Let’s work together to build a list we can all use to add spice to our recipes and our spirits.
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What a cute idea! I’ve gotta try this with our Sunday school class or youth group sometime. Thanks!
Thank you, Linda!
Love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Wendy!
Neat idea.
Awsome. I have been look for easy ways to teach the bible to little one and this is a great idea. God Bless
I’m so glad it will help, Charlene!