A Bumble Bee and a Mother’s Plea
“Luke, leave that bee alone; it’s going to sting you.” I cautioned.
My three year old continued chasing the bee, swatting at it as it buzzed busily around the flowers in my garden.
“Luke, stop it! The bee will hurt you.”
He ignored my plea once again.
A thought shot through my mind. Fine. If you get hurt, don’t come crying to me.
Then came God’s whisper: “I’m not like that, Carolyn.”
Immediately I understood.
I wonder how many times I disregard God’s loving warnings in my own life and later find myself crying out to Him, “Lord, please help me. This hurts!”
He never retorts, “I told you so. Don’t come whining to me.”
God reminded me of His loving character that day in my garden. And I want to be a mother, who like Jesus, never turns her hurting children away… no matter what.
God’s arms are always open to His children at any time and for any reason…no matter what.
Love this, Carolyn – a simple but very powerful story.
Thank you, Beth. This story continues to teach me.