Preparing for Vacation Bible School
Our girls just finished a week of vacation Bible school (VBS) at a local church. It was such a blessing. This church is much larger than ours. They had 122 kids registered this year. We attended the church rally tonight to get a taste of what the VBS program was like. I loved it and it sparked some ideas for vacation Bible school at our church.
VBS is our church’s largest outreach program. We’ve been working on it since March. A great deal of effort goes into it, but let me tell you, when you watch what an impact VBS can have on children, every moment spent preparing is worth it. Tonight my husband and I saw our girls sing and dance on stage, excited to share their faith with others. Their excitement has made me even more eager for our church’s VBS program to kick off on August 20th. In a few weeks, our girls will be headed back to school. It’s good to know that right before they get back into their regular schedules they have a chance to celebrate their faith in a meaningful and fun way. The lessons they learn at vacation Bible school are ones they carry with them every day. I’m so blessed to be part of a VBS team.
Does your church have a VBS program? Are you involved in VBS? What is your favorite VBS theme?
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