Did You Know God Ordained Kids to Praise?
“From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies to silence the foe and the avenger.” Psalm 8:2
Children carry the spirit of truth. Ask anyone who spends significant amounts of time with little ones and they’ll concur. As self-centered as children can be, they can sincerely size you up in five seconds flat. There’s no faking it around them. If they’re too timid to verbalize their opinions, give them a blank piece of paper and a marker and they’ll show you exactly what they’re thinking.
One day, Jesus was in the temple. After causing a ruckus with the dishonest merchants, the people crowded around him, including the blind, the lame, the chief priests and the children. He touched the blind and they could see. He healed the lame and they could walk. The children took notice and sang his praise, “Hosanna to the Son of David!”
This infuriated the priests. “Do you hear what these children are saying?” they asked Jesus, as if he put them up to it.
Jesus coolly replied, “Yes. Have you never read ‘From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise?’ ” And the chief priests had no further argument.
If little children can see the truth so plainly, how is it that us grown ups have such difficulty? What clouds our thinking, our vision, our hearts from the truth? What causes our eyes not to see? Our ears not to hear? Our hearts not to know? I don’t have an answer. I only pray to return to that childlike faith.
The children called it as they saw it that day at the temple. They knew they were in the presence of Jesus, the Lamb of God, the Son of David. I wonder what their artwork looked like that day?
What wonderful insight relating to children. I posted your web site on my facebook page: http://facebook.com/bibletoons . Thank you for your great emails and posts! I can SO relate!!!
H. Erin Nelson
“Bibletoons: Book One, Adventure with Noah”
Thanks for the encouragement H. Erin Nelson! I’m humbled and honored that you’d share my words with your readers.
Blessings on your day,
Was just reading this Psalm today! How refreshing it is to have a childlike faith! I think one of the things that causes us not to see, hear and know are the cares of this life. Just like in the Parable of the Sower, our cares choke out our ability to see God for who He is. Lord forgive us and move us to a deeper faith in You!
Amen, Lindsay. A much needed, daily reminder that this world is temporary and our God is eternal, powerful, ever present, and ever faithful.
I really enjoyed your article. Checked out your blog at http://blog.dawnaldrich.com/. Awesome, comforting, insightful, truthful, wonderful. Thank you!
Thanks for stopping into Dawn’s New Day today. I pray you’ll feel comfortable there, kick off your shoes and make yourself at home!
Hope to talk to you real soon,
I am so elated that God led me to this site! I just released my 2nd Christian Children’s book entitled “Little People Praise God “Too”:Psalm 150 for Kids on March 7, 2017. The book is an exciting, energetic, interactive story of a multicultural abled and disabled class learning about praising God. The class affectionately known as the Praz Gang (pronounced with a “-” over the “a”) has questions about who, where, why, and how do they praise God. It is on Amazon.com and my website http://www.CYLSKIDS.com. If you have a moment, please view it and let me know your thoughts.
Thank you so much for these post, they have given me even more encouragement to push forward with this book!!!
I thank and praise God for you!!!
Lynn, thanks for stopping in. Your books intrigue me. Please feel free to submit your books for review. I will only publish favorable reviews but will email you the review either way. Inquire at d.aldrich@snet.net