The Work of His Hands
I just wrapped up an editing project for a client. There are days I enjoy editing more than writing–whether it be my own work or someone else’s. You polish the good stuff. You delete what doesn’t mesh with the rest. In the end, you have molded and shaped your manuscript into a publishable piece of art.
God does the same thing with us. As the potter mentioned in Isaiah 64:8, He works with the clay (us). He molds us and makes us in His fashion. We are the work of His hands.
We can be resistant to change. We may believe we should be accepted as we are. But just like a manuscript filled with typographical errors and missing punctuation, our lives will feel stilted, confused, chaotic. It is only by giving our hearts to God and allowing Him to change us that we can become who we are meant to be.
If you haven’t asked God into your heart, do it now. Let the loving and gentle potter shape you into a beautiful piece of art.
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