Siblings and the New Baby
Our family has a new grandchild, just eight days old. After a week in the NICU, he came home yesterday.
The grandparents here in town pitched in to care for the five-year-old and spend some time at the hospital to give mom and dad time off for sleep.
And now we’re on the scene, helping to keep up with shopping and cooking, cleaning and laundry, and loving on the baby’s five-year-old big brother.
He alternates between being intrigued by the baby and ignoring him, between helpful behavior like getting himself ready for school and unhelpful behavior like stalling at bedtime.
He’s normal and he will be fine!
He’s been well prepared. Children’s books can be especially helpful here. At Target I found a small, inexpensive version of I’m a Big Brother by Joanna Cole and slipped it into a package for him this summer.
Another book that’s lots of fun is How to Be a Baby . . . by Me, the Big Sister by Sally Lloyd-Jones. (These authors also have written I’m a Big Sister and How to Be a Baby . . . by Me, the Big Brother.)
And he’s adjusting. Despite their fatigue and preoccupation, his parents are making some time just for him.
Will you be introducing your child to a new brother or sister soon?
This article from the Mayo Clinic offers succinct, wise advice for getting the sibling bond off to a great start, including what behaviors to expect in your older child depending on his or her age.
Enjoy your family as it grows!
Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.–Psalm 127:3, CEV
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