My Rocking Chair
Spending time with my granddaughter brings back so many precious memories of when I was raising my own little ones. One of my favorite things is to rock her to sleep for her nap time or bedtime. The feeling of her cuddly warm body against my chest is the best feeling in the whole world! It’s a time to be still. To hum gentle lullabies and caress her forehead. Grandchildren are one of God’s greatest blessings. It gives us one more chance to hold a little life in our arms and remember how amazing our Creator is.
My Rocking Chair
I rocked my precious babies in my cozy rocking chair.
I held them closely to my chest and gently stroked their hair.
I shared the chair with Mother Goose and bedtime lullabies.
My rocking chair was always there for weepy, sleepy eyes.
It rocked a frightened child through a rumbling thunderstorm.
And when my baby had the flu, it helped me keep her warm.
It calmed a restless child for an afternoon of rest.
And when I cuddled more than one, it always rocked the best.
The chair sits in the corner now so quiet and alone.
Our rocking days are in the past, my children all have grown.
But sometimes when I’m in the mood, I sit and rock a while.
Remembering those rocking days always brings a smile.
Crystal Bowman
poem taken from: Meditations for Moms, by Crystal Bowman, Baker Publsishing, 2001.
Crystal, I still have my rocking chair too! It’s been refinished, but it’s the same chair I rocked my girls in. Rocked grandchild #1 while he and his parents lived with us, will rock #2 when he comes to visit, and will soon rock #3 (due in November) when his mama returns to work for a few months. Special times!
How very blessed you are!