Christian Children’s Books for Halloween
Whatever your attitude toward Halloween, you can find a colorful Christian children’s book to turn your family’s attention to what matters most: knowing and following God.
Let’s Shine Jesus’ Light on Halloween isn’t a book about evangelism. Instead, it shows young children important ways that Jesus is always with them, even on Halloween. In the opening pages, the main character walks past a decorated home on his way to school. He says,
On Halloween I might see black cats, pointy hats, and creepy flying bats . . .
But God’s power is the reason I don’t have to be afraid.
I have overcome the world.–John 16:33
Other Halloween scenarios included in the book include carving a pumpkin, dressing up in a costume, seeing other costumed characters out walking in the neighborhood, and sorting through sweet treats at home. Each scenario states God’s involvement in the child’s life and provides an appropriate Bible verse.
As the back cover says, “Halloween is jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and candy on a dark and scary night, but Jesus is the light of the world!” has a nice Look Inside the Book! preview here. You can read more pages and see Rusty Fletcher’s endearing art.
Let’s Shine Jesus’ Light on Halloween is published by Standard Publishing. The book is available as a Happy Day paperback and as a board book.
The Pumpkin Gospel: A Story of a New Start with God by Mary Manz Simon uses pumpkin-carving fun as a child-sized metaphor for how God forgives us. It’s a shaped board book, and it glows in the dark!
To glow like my big pumpkin
and have a nice clean heart,
ask God to please forgive you.
You’ll have a brand new start.
You can find links to these and other good seasonal books on my Christian Children’s Books for Halloween Pinterest board.
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