Staring Down A Scary Path
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 8:11
The graveyard path stared me down. It was the safest route to school, she said. Yet, my first grade feet stood motionless–planted in fear at the opposite corner. I cowered my head into my mother’s side. No words of comfort, no logical argument could persuade me to cross that street and enter the gates of death.
Then, the friendly crossing guard lady approached, holding open a small, black, silk change purse filled with rainbow sweetness. Nursing a pink jelly bean, I listened to her calming voice. “Don’t be frightened,” she said. “I’ll watch you walk that path and I’ll be right here when you come home. Now take this little purse and suck on a jelly bean when you feel scared. You can do this. I’ll see you soon and Mommy will be here waiting for you, too.”
Isn’t it like that sometimes when we’re faced with God’s chosen path in our lives? We stand–firmly planted in the familiar, the safe–in a stare-down with God’s chosen path. The leaving looks like death–scary and unfamiliar territory. We want to turn around, run back home or take another path.
God meets us and leads the way–feeding us sweet nuggets of encouragement through his Word with each frightening step until we are fully immersed in His joy. What’s better, unlike the crossing guard, he never leaves our side, but walks with us–even through the shadow of the valley of death–until the very end.
Are you or your family faced with a scary, unfamiliar God-path today? Are your hearts gripped with fear at the overwhelming road ahead? Grab onto God’s hand in faith together and let Him lead you. Lean into His side and find reassurance and joy in His presence and through His word.
“I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16:8
Oh Lord, sometimes your paths frighten us. Your ways are unfamiliar and at times beg us to leave the comforts of home. Yet, Lord, may we find comfort in your promise that you “will never leave us nor forsake us.” Speak your words into our hearts. Whisper your sweet comfort and lead us down your path that always leads to life.
What a fabulous devotion. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Cheryl,
As always, thanks for stopping by and offering your encouragement. Sorry for the delayed response. Fall proves my busiest season.
Thanks for your timely nurturing devotion when so many want to play up the spooky side of life in October.
Thanks Janice. This childhood memory is so vivid and the setting was appropriate. Praising God for his steadfast presence on life’s paths.