Getting Ready for Advent
Advent. The word means “coming” or “arrival.” Throughout the Old Testament, God promised to send his anointed one, the Messiah, to save his people. Throughout long years of oppression, the people waited.
But when Jesus arrived, most missed him. And we can easily miss him too as we hustle-bustle through the holiday season. Unless we’re willing to slow down a bit and focus. And that’s what Advent helps me do.
If you come from a tradition that observes the church year, you’re already familiar with Advent–the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. In Western Christianity, Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, or the Sunday closest to November 30, and lasts through Christmas Eve on December 24. If Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday, it is counted as the fourth Sunday of Advent.
Here are the dates of Advent 2012:
• December 2 – First Sunday of Advent
• December 9 – Second Sunday of Advent
• December 16 – Third Sunday of Advent
• December 23 – Fourth Sunday of Advent
If you’d like to know more about Advent, I found this really helpful article that explains the significance of the candle colors and evergreens in an Advent wreath, plus much more.
If you have young children at home, I recommend an e-book, Truth in the Tinsel, by Amanda White, that sold 10,000 copies since being introduced last year. You’ll find directions for making tree ornaments with your children, one each day, that tell the biblical Christmas story. Best of all are the conversation starters to use in your time together.
The plan begins on December 1, so now’s a great time to get ready! (And Amanda has a special running today only, Friday, November 23, as well.)
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