The Solution to Fear
I don’t know a person who at some time in their lives was not afraid of the dark. Even if one isn’t normally afraid when the lights go out, if they were lost in a dark, unfamiliar place and couldn’t find their way out, most people would be scared. Darkness is one of our basic fears. Most children are afraid of the dark, even if only for a short time in their life.
That’s why it was such good news.when Jesus entered the world.
Isaiah 9:2 predicted it hundreds of years before Jesus’ birth. “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned” (NIV). Light in the darkness! Yes! Isn’t that what we all need?
The world is much less scary when there’s light, both literally and figuratively. When life seems dark, fear tries to crowd in. The “what ifs” begin to taunt us and we become afraid. But Jesus shines light and hope into every dark situation. We can rest in the fact that even if the worst “what if” should happen, He will walk through it with us and give us the strength to bear it. We don’t have to try to control every situation because we know He already has it in full control. His light dawns in our darkest hours bringing hope, freedom from fear, and divine help.
So the next time you or a child in your life is afraid, let Jesus’ light shine. Go ahead and turn on a night light just as a reminder that He’s there and will always be your light in the darkness. Pray for His help, trust Him, and be warmed by the light of His presence.
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