My ABC Bible and My ABC Prayers
Alphabet books have been around for centuries and have stood the test of time. Writers and publishers have used the alphabet to tell stories and teach a multitude of lessons. From bugs and flowers, to animals and musical instruments, almost every topic under the sun has been turned into a alphabet book at one time or another. Why? Because using the alphabet is a fun and creative way to educate young children.
Newly released from Zonderkidz, are a pair of Alphabet Books: My ABC Bible and My ABC Prayers. Using short rhyming verses and adorable illustrations, these books are designed for toddlers and preschoolers. My ABC Bible introduces little ones to characters, places, and events found in the Bible. Here are some excerpts:
A is for the ANIMALS, walking two by two.
See the pair of hippos and the hoppity kangaroo?
D is for brave DANIEL, who prayed each day and night.
They fed him to the lions, but the lions didn’t bite.
In writing alphabet books, the letter X is often the spoiler. A writer either has to force a word into the text, or compromise and use ex. I chose to compromise. This is what I wrote for the letter X:
X is for EXCITED, hear the people cry,
“Hosanna in the highest, our Lord is passing by!”
My ABC Prayers uses ideas from everyday life to teach children that they can pray about many different things. For example:
B is for BED
Lord, you know just what I need, thank you for my BED,
where I can rest a little while and lay my sleepy head.
Y is for Yard
Lord, I like my great big YARD where I can run around.
Thank you for the soft, green grass that grows up from the ground.
For the letter X, I didn’t have to compromise. I used one of the common X words since it fit the text without being forced:
X is for Xylophone
I like to play my XYLOPHONE, I like to sing along.
Thank you, God, for music and for a happy song.
So that’s a little peek into the alphabet books that teach young children simple facts from the Bible and offer prayers for tender hearts. What I especially love is the size of these books. Each hard cover book is 5″ x 7″ — just right for little hands, tote bags, or Mama’s purse.
Here’s to happy alphabets!
Crystal Bowman
These look lovely, Crystal. I am usually reluctant to buy alphabet books, and even more if they are in rhyme as I’ve seen too many with forced rhythm and lame rhyme etc. But yours sound great. Thanks for sharing. I’ll keep my eyes open for them here in Australia!
Thanks Penny! You are right–rhythm and rhyme is tough to pull off and I have seen some mediocre products in rhyme. Publishers often shy away from rhyming text because so much of it is poorly done. There are a lot of things I cannot do, but for some reason God wired my brain for writing in rhythm and rhyme. That’s why kids’ books are a good fit for me.
Blessings! Crystal