Person of Love
With February being the month of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share a love poem that I wrote. There is a love that runs much deeper than the stuffed bears and heart-shaped boxes that fill the store aisles at this time. It is a love that calls to us and invites us to live and love in a deeper, profounder way. Have you answered the call?
Person of Love
Love is a person
whispering in your ear, but do you hear the word he’s spoken?
Do you strain for the sound of his voice to learn the message he bears?
Love is a person
blind without his eyes,
clueless as to sight,
but sees a vision with his heart full of beauty and delight
Love is a person
with tenderness in his touch
grasping the deepest pain
with fingers of compassion that seek to understand
Love is a person that changes empty lives
giving meaning to every moment
Love hides from the world’s vain glory
cares not for attention
but his greatest happiness finds
in the service of affection
Love is a person
lonely in his perfection
betrayed and weeping in anguish
familiar with rejection
as he searches for a friend
Love offers his hand in friendship
to all who seek to know
how precious a life can truly be
when willing to let go
of the chains that bind our hearts and souls
in fits of doubt and fear
Now, quiet!
Listen in earnest,
on your ear love’s voice shall fall,
time to make your decision:
how will you answer his call?
What a lovely poem! I love the last verse – that call to listen. In this noisy, busy world we live in, taking time out to listen is sometimes forgotten.
I couldn’t agree more Wendy — about how hard it is to listen these days! Thank you so much for reading!