Spring Cleaning For Easter
Spring is fast approaching and most of us do some sort of spring cleaning in our homes to prepare for Easter. Sorting and folding, saving or discarding, making things clean and organized for the visitors we expect this holiday. Spring is also the Easter season, a season for spring cleaning our hearts. Is there a life lesson here for our children aside from the fun of hiding eggs and finding jelly beans?
Here are some ideas when sharing the chores of everyday living with the reality of our Savior.
- Engage your children in spring cleaning activities and include them when sorting through clothes that are too small or toys that are no longer wanted. Talk about sharing what they no longer need with others who do need these items and relate that this is being the arms of Christ when giving to others.
- Teach children that mending a favorite shirt or pair of pants makes the item new again just like asking Jesus into our hearts and accepting Him as our Savior makes us new again. Even small children can understand this simple truth.
- Compare sweeping out the dust in our homes to sweeping out our feelings of anger, jealousy, or resentment that we sometimes hold onto. Clearing it out of our hearts to make room for the sweet clean spring of Jesus resurrection is part of The Easter Season.
Let this spring not only be a time to spring clean our homes but also to spring clean our hearts making room for forgiveness and our sweet Jesus. While enjoying the dinners, the egg hunts, and the Easter baskets remember to share with your children about the spring cleaning of the heart because every day can be a teaching moment bringing you and your child closer to God.
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