Food Fun for Kids
When my brother was about 10, he ate only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or spaghetti. Our pediatrician advised my mother not to worry–he would grow out of it. Today my brother is quite the cook (especially on a grill) and a well-fed eater in Southern California.
My five-year-old grandson doesn’t like pop or juice–too sweet for him–and chooses water over any other drink nine times out of 10 when he’s thirsty. As a baby he was fed only breast milk and, later, healthy vegetable and no-sugar-added fruit purees. (I must admit that despite his juice and pop aversion, he LOVES “candy Friday.” Go figure.)
And who in my generation didn’t sit at the table long after anyone else, staring at our plates at the cold peas or spinach we were required to eat?
Kids and food–what a sometimes frustrating combination! And other times–when we somehow connect children with a healthy food they love–how satisfying!
To that end, here are three fun food ideas and a book recommendation. (My requirement for all such “fun food” is that it must be simple to prepare–no spending hours cutting special shapes or placing mini chocolate chips just so.)
From, here’s an easy way to give a wrap sandwich some kid appeal. Spread peanut butter or cream cheese and jelly on a spinach wrap for the body, with cheese and carrot slices for antennae and legs and a cherry tomato for the head.
I’ve lost the source of this photo, but I love the idea and wanted to share it. Really healthy, really easy finger food!
These frozen applesauce toddler treats are made with baby food applesauce and a silicone mold pan.
This book isn’t new (1999), and you’ll have to decide if the food pyramid it suggests fits with the guidelines you follow today. The illustrations, however, are great! The jacket blurb says:
He gives food to every living thing.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven.
His faithful love endures forever. –Psalm 136:25-26 NLT
I remember making my 5-year-old twin nephews pancakes in the shape of animals. They wouldn’t eat them! Just carried them around all day playing with them!
Donna, that is a great memory! Thanks for sharing!