Go and Make Disciples – a family discussion.
“Go and make disciples…”
The words of Jesus’ great commission (see Matthew 28:18-20) are almost too familiar to us. They roll off our tongue in memory verses and rattle round our ears comfortably like words spoken as a lullaby. But that is exactly the opposite of what Jesus intended, and it is imperative that we pause every now and then to consider the depth and immediate relevance of these words. In particular I think we need to continually ask ourselves, and our families, where are the potential disciples these verse speak of? And how can we put these instructions into action?
Use the following questions to begin conversation in your family, talking and thinking about making disciples. Try to be as practical and concrete as possible to help every member of your family see the realistic opportunities God has placed around them for introducing and encouraging others to follow Jesus!
What is a disciple?
A disciple is someone who loves Jesus and lives their life following, obeying, learning and telling others about Jesus.
Questions to talk about:Who do you know who is a disciple of Jesus? Is your family a family of disciples? How can someone become a disciple of Jesus? What do they need to hear and believe? What do you love best about Jesus that you’d like to tell other people about?
Who needs to hear about Jesus?
Spend some time, perhaps with a map of the world available, talking about the various groups of people who need to hear about Jesus.
Questions to talk about: Do you know any overseas missionaries? Where are they and why did they go there? Do you think people in our country need to know about Jesus? Who are they and why?

How can we help others grow in Christ?
How can we make disciples?
The process of discipleship is one of walking the journey of faith with someone else. Often it is a more mature follower of Jesus who disciples a younger believer. Prayer is a crucial first step.
Questions to talk about: How can we help the people around us (try to be about specific about individuals/groups of people) to hear about Jesus? What can we do to show them God’s love? How can we support them to find out more about Jesus?
And don’t forget to pray as a family for opportunities to live out Jesus’ great commission in your neighbourhood and beyond.
I like this, Penny. We often get complacent about Jesus’ commands because they’re so familiar. You’ve given us good questions to ponder and act on.
I’ve been fortunate to have many mentors beginning with my mother throughout my Christian walk. Each and every one of them have made a significant impact on my life. I now have the privilege of being able to pass on to my ‘spiritual children’ what I have learned and continue to learn from them. They will really enjoy this article – well done Penny.