Drawing Closer to God
Even though God is always with us, the Bible encourages us to intentionally come before God, to seek him, and acknowledge his presence. In the Old Testament, Jeremiah 29:13 (NIV) says, “You will seek me and you will find me when you seek me with all of your heart.” And in the New Testament, James 4:8 (NIV) says, “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”
So how do we teach our children to draw near to God?
- Read God’s Word – The Bible is God’s message to us. It is one of the ways that God communicates his immeasurable love for us. God’s Word instructs us in how to live and how to honor our heavenly Father. Spending time in God’s Word allows us to draw near to him and reflect on his love and his ways. Reading Bible story books to your children, or picture books that tell of God’s love, will deepen your child’s relationship and understanding of God.
- Talk to God – God speaks to us through his Word, and we speak to God through prayer. God already knows what’s in our hearts and minds, but he delights in our prayers. He longs for us to talk to him and pour out our hearts to him. Prayer is a way for us to draw closer to God and experience his presence. Children love to pray. You can teach your little ones to pray by having them repeat short phrases after you say them. Memorized prayers are also fine, since young children like repetition, but as your children get older, encourage them to use their own words and expressions as they talk to their heavenly Father.
- Praise God – Psalm 100 gives us another way to draw near to God. In verse 4 we read, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and bless his name.” Approaching the throne of God with praise and thanksgiving glorifies him as we come into his presence. Praise God for his greatness and for all of his divine attributes. Thank him for his blessings and his promises. Teach your children to recognize all that God gives them and does for them every day so they can thank him for specific things in their prayers. Praise him with songs of praises at home or in the car. Listening to kids’ praise music will fill their little hearts and minds with spiritual truth and praises for their heavenly Father.
As we draw closer to our Easter celebration, let’s also take the time to draw closer to God.
Crystal Bowman
Dear Crystal,
What a captivating post..the perfect words to start my day! Drawing children closer to God is my purpose in life, through my children’s book series, “Bibletoons.” Your words, so beautifully expressed are a constant reminder to me to stay in His Word and close to Him in every circumstance daily. Your words are precise and so meaningful: “Spending time in God’s Word allows us to draw near to him and reflect on his love and his ways. Reading Bible story books to your children, or picture books that tell of God’s love, will deepen your child’s relationship and understanding of God.” Thank you for enlightening me! H. Erin Nelson, Tate Author
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! It sounds like we both have a passion for teaching little ones about God’s love. May God bless you as you serve Him through your writing!