Easter Continues

This simple lily is made by tracing a child's hand on paper and cutting it out . The paper fingers are curled, paper leaves added, and fastened to a stem.
The Easter season. We are always happy that Jesus rose! Some churches celebrate Easter until Pentecost (50 days after Easter). Keep celebrating that Jesus gives us new life in heaven with these activities:
Daily greet each other with the phrase used in Bulgaria, “He is Risen!” Respond with, “He is risen indeed.”
Refill Easter baskets with pussy willows, new buds, and flowers. Talk about how they are signs of new life.
Have more Easter egg hunts. Refill plastic eggs with little notes of praise or special treats and hunt for them. You can also fill them with coins as a reminder that our greatest treasure is eternal life.
Take a new life walk and search for signs of new life. See who can find caterpillars, cocoons, tadpoles, buds, new leaves, flowers, and baby birds.
Renew your home with spring-cleaning and a fresh centerpiece or other decoration.
Take photos of everyone on a sunny day and use it to make an Easter scrapbook page or photo collage.
Decorate a rock as a reminder that God moves obstacles like the rock in front of the tomb. Place it in your garden or a special spot in your home.
Plant bulbs. You may want to plant them to form a letter for your last name, a J for Jesus, or plant several rows of different colors to grow a rainbow.
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