Casting Out All Fear
“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…” 1 John 4:18a
The shadows rise tall above her bed in the purple room as the night light bleeds shadows across the ceiling. Blessed with an active imagination, monster pictures squelch sleep from her eyes. She braves the shadows and tries to shut them out, but soon her tiny feet pad across the carpet and into my bedroom next door.
“Grams? I’m scared,” she whispers. “Will you lay with me?”
Groggy, I lead her back to the purple room and tuck her beneath her kitty blanket, reassuring her there’s nothing to fear and pray God’s peace fill her mind and His angels surround her bed.
We’ve repeated this bedtime routine dozens of times in her five years, but last weekend it was different. Yes, the shadows still grew tall above her bed in the purple room. Yes, the monster-pictures still appeared and teased her out of bed, but instead of announcing, “I’m scared,” she crawled into my bed and after a few quiet moments she asked, “Will you pray for God to give me peace and happy dreams?” And so I prayed our simple prayer and to my surprise she slipped out of my bed and tiptoed back to the purple room and tucked herself back under her own kitty blanket and fell fast asleep.
I awoke the next morning after a full night’s sleep, wondering if I’d slept through her early rising, which normally happens after a restless night. But, there she was, still peacefully dreaming. When she awoke almost two hours after me, I praised her for sleeping so well and she corrected me.
“God gave me happy thoughts. I hummed a little song and pretty soon my eyes just closed and I didn’t have any bad dreams.”
Bedtime routines are tough enough without fighting overactive monster-picture imaginations. By the time we’ve read the fifth book, traipsed back and forth to the potty three times, and answered all their burning questions, the last thing we want to deal with is their imaginary monsters. While we can spend time explaining the reality of the arching ceiling shapes, their little minds can’t comprehend reality from imagination.
So, what’s a mother (or grandmother) to do?
Acknowledge their fears
Discuss God’s promises from scripture (Ps. 34:7 – Angels encamp around those who fear the Lord, 1 John 4:18 – Perfect love casts out all fear. God is perfect love., John 14:27 – Jesus gives us His perfect peace and says, “do not be afraid.”)
Pray that God would replace all fears with His good thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5b – “we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”)
Pray God’s protection by sending His angels to protect them. I found it key to pray this because it replaces their monster imagery with God’s imagery. They can replace their monster images with God’s angel images
While no bedtime routine is guaranteed to work every time, this routine empowers them to seek God as their comforter and acknowledges God as the giver of all good things, including dreams. It reinforces God’s promises.
What are some ways you help cast out fear in your children or grandchildren?
Blessings, Dawn Aldrich Author, Blogger, TV Cohost
I absolutely love this story, Dawn. It’s wonderful to read the story of a child’s blossoming faith. My girls also dealt with nighttime fears, and each night we would say a similar prayer to keep the monsters away.
My youngest is a very nervous sort, always afraid she will fail even though there are so many areas where she succeeds. No matter how many times I’ve told her that making mistakes is a part of life and all we can ask is for her to do her best, she is still uncertain. I’ve taken to reciting with her Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me,” to help.
Thanks for your encouragment. I know God will bless your daughter with His peace and strength. It’s difficult, even now, to understand that in our weakness, Christ is our strength. I pray God’s Word and peace penetrate her heart.
I remember those days with my children like it was just last night. My youngest, in particular, was afraid at night. We prayed together at bedtime, and I taught her the verse, “When I am afraid I will trust in You” (Psalm 56:3). She would say it out loud when she needed extra courage. Thanks for the practical tips you gave. I know they’ll be a help and encouragement for many moms and grandmas out there.
Hi Linda,
What a great verse (and so simple) to tuck away in our hearts and minds. I will add that to our routine.
Enjoy your new little grandchild!
This is great. Thank you, also, for noting that it has taken five years for this to start to become reality to her. Sometimes it gets discouraging to say the same things again and again. Zeph is so full of fear, and I am never quite sure how to help her when I have tried so many things.
So glad you stopped by, Kathy. Repetition can seem laborious to us, but somehow that’s how our little ones learn. Zephra is a sweet little lady and God’s equipped her with the best parents for her needs. Hang in there!