Spring is for New Beginnings
Spring is for New Beginnings, perfect timing for Easter and our New lives in Christ. It is the season of new growth spiritually and in nature. Baby birds tweet, fawns learn to walk on wobbling legs, ducks follow mama to the pond and learn to swim and our children look to us as examples of how to trust in our ever changing world. Here are a few ideas to share with your child to experience the wonderful new beginnings of spring.
1. Plant seeds and watch them sprout. Planting seeds in a cup or in a garden will teach children patience as they wait for those seeds to sprout, but it also allows a spring-board for discussions about God’s great plan. Only a great God could have planned for the most tiny of seeds to sprout into food and glorious flowering plants. Sunflowers are one of the easiest to grow and to watch as they climb to 6 feet tall when mature, their flower offers seed ( food ) for the birds, and they come in stunning colors.
2. Take a hike at a nature center or park nearest your home. Count how many plants, bugs, and animals you see on your walk. Discuss how awesome the Kingdom of God is and how each living thing has a special place created especially by God. Even the mosquito provides food for frogs and other insects.
3. A library visit can bring forth an abundance of books both picture books and chapter books for children on nature, spring, and fun animal antics. Make an effort to choose a new book or one that can expand your child’s reading experience and then discuss the importance of reading and knowledge.Curious Critters is one of those picture books that will get your child interested in nature.
Spring brings better weather, more sunshine, and most often a feeling of newness. Just like Easter brought with it our chance to renew our love of Jesus, sharing the wonderful things about spring can show your child how to apply that same newness to everyday things. What are you doing to share spring with your child?
Great post, Terri. We just spent the weekend in our garden, putting in the early spring plants. We were blessed to have a bird’s nest again this year, so we had the chirping of little ones to keep us company.