A.C.T.S. (or Not-So-Lazy Summer Days!)
Ah, summer. A time for taking it easy. Days at the beach or the lake or simply relaxing in the backyard. A time to kick back. And no one looks forward to summer more than children.
I can remember starting the countdown to summer vacation right after the school Easter break. Unfortunately, once it arrived, summer always sped by way too fast. Before I knew it, I was back in school, writing my essay on what I did over the summer.
How would you like to involve your kids in something really big this summer? Something they’ll remember for years to come? Something they’d be proud to write about for their “What I Did Over the Summer” essay when they go back to school?
This year Focus on the Family is sponsoring A.C.T.S.! – A Call To Serve. Through this summer program, they are hoping to encourage thousands of kids across the United States to make a commitment to serve their family, their community, and even their world. A.C.T.S. has two goals: to facilitate over 50,000 hours of service, and to donate 500 lambs for Operation Christmas Child.
Interested? Here’s how to learn more:
- Go to http://www.whitsend.org/FeaturesView/ACTS.aspx for additional details and resources
- Tune in to the May 22 webcast (times are listed on the website)
The program is organized in three “Acts”:
- Act One: Serve
- Act Two: Share
- Act Three: Enter to Win!
Contest entries may be submitted from June 1 through August 16, 2013. Prizes for winners range from a one-year subscription to the Odyssey Adventure Club to an expense-paid missions trip. Official contest rules are found here.
Help your children help others this summer. Regardless of how the contest turns out, everyone will be a winner!
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