My Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook
If you are looking for a Bible storybook for your young reader to read this summer, My Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook will not only help your child read some good Bible stories, it is also educational and lots of fun. Before each story, readers are introduced to names or words that may be challenging. The words are broken down into smaller segments to help readers learn how to say each one. A glossary at the end of the book provides a brief description to add to the learning process.
At the end of each story are age-appropriate vocabulary words that children can practice reading and can find in the story. There are also two columns of rhyming words to encourage readers to learn how to rhyme. Following the rhyming words are a couple of questions to help children comprehend what they have read and apply it to their everyday lives. Some of the questions are factual, while some encourage the reader to think beyond the facts to connect with the story on a personal level.
Then comes the fun part—the activities! After each story, there are fun activities, short games, and crafts that will help the reader engage in creative application of the message. Children can do these activities on their own, with a friend or adult, or in a classroom setting.
Here is a short excerpt from the first story.
God Makes a Big World
I Can Learn These Words
buzzing (BUZZ-ing)
twinkle (TWINK-ull)
holy (HOLE-ee)
blessed (BLEST)
Along time ago
there was nothing at all.
No sand, no lakes,
no bugs that crawl.
No dogs, no fish,
no buzzing bees.
No hills, no grass,
no flowers or trees.
But God was there.
He knew what to do.
He said, “It is time
to make something new.
I’ll make a big world.
I’ll start right away.”
And so God made
the very first day.
My Read and Rhyme Bible Storybook will inspire children with stories from God’s Word while helping them learn to read, understand rhyme, and have tons of creative fun. You may want to add it to you child’s summer activity list.
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