Time Flies
Time flies, doesn’t it? We all get busy with deadlines, appointments, assignments, holidays, weekend activities, and the routine daily chores of living and how often do we miss something important?
I am guilty as charged, missing deadlines by a day or two and even forgetting all together because my mind is on overload. How then do we teach our children about time management and what do we say when our children question if God is too busy for them?
Tough questions like that from children and grandchildren can convict us in a quick minute. We need to remember that God is never too busy. God is never on overload. And God is ALWAYS on time. We can show this to our children by managing our own time leaving plenty of time for them. Here are other ways you can show your children that you have time, God has time, and that managing the time God gives us is important.
1. Share scripture that shows that God values time. The Psalms are full of great examples of God being ever present.
2. Take time to pray, morning-noon- bedtime- before meals- in the car at a stop light. Prayer doesn’t need to be complicated and our children need to hear us and see us uttering prayers of gratitude, apology, and requests for guidance in every situation.
3. Help children to make a prayer journal with words or pictures. Revisit their prayer journal frequently to show how those prayers have been answered. This gives children a tangible way to see God in everyday activities.
How do you show your children and grandchildren that God is part of everyday? Do you need a reminder to slow down and reorganize your time to hear His voice?
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