Service Projects for Kids
How do we teach our children to think outside themselves in a world that tries to cater to their every self-indulgent wants and needs? What is the typical response of most children when you ask them to do their chores or help a friend with a task that requires a bit of effort on their part? I fear that all too often the requests are met with resistance – they would rather play with their cell phones or the Wii or whatever else they have become engrossed in at the moment.
Children need to learn to recognize real needs of real people around them. They need to learn to think outside themselves and to develop a caring spirit for others if they are to become well-rounded individuals and citizens.
Trying to think of an appropriate service project may overwhelm one at first. Consider the amount of time you and your child(ren) can give. Consider the talents, skills, and interests of your child. Is he artistic? He might make cards for elderly relatives or shut-ins. Here is an easy envelope template you can use to make envelopes for simple double-folded cards.
Does your child like to sing for people? Take her to visit someone who is bed-ridden or a nursing home or senior citizens center to sing. Maybe she has friends or siblings who would sing with her.
Do your children have games and/or toys they no longer play with, but are still usable? They could be given to a small church nursery, orphanage, or children’s home. Some games might be appropriate to donate to a senior citizens center – better yet, stay and play the games with the senior citizens and really lift their spirits.
I found a super source of ideas in a web page that should give you many more ideas of do-able service projects for children:
35 Service Projects for Kids
Great suggestions, Janice. Service can be so simple – we just need to remember to make it a priority.
Thanks, Penny.