Worth Celebrating!
It’s a funny coincidence that the blog scheduled for today, the 4th July, has been allocated to myself – an Aussie. In my little world of school holiday Thursday’s I doubt I’ll even think about the celebrations occurring on the other side of the world. Each nation celebrates their special days in their own ways, and although that particular country may sigh in contented holiday-making (unless you work in a fast food chain!), or party with fireworks and cultural highlights, the rest of the world chugs on oblivious.
But, oblivion or not, thinking about the 4th of July has got me considering how we teach our children the place of national pride and identity. Usually the dates chosen for national celebrations have historical significance. I won’t pretend to understand the history behind the 4th July, but in Australia I know our national day (the 26th January) has a history with more than one side of the story – and telling a history without all sides is akin to telling an untruth. I believe truth is an important part of national identity. Admittedly there may be some truths that are hard to swallow, some parts of history we may wish to skip over – but it is only when we are honest with where we came from, as people and as nations, that we will be able to move forward with growth.
Another important feature of teaching children about their national identity is celebrating the good things. God designed us as unique people and nations, the languages over the world are amazing in themselves! Then there are customs and traditions and creative expressions that display the wonder of God in humanity. We are a diverse and beautiful world – this diversity and beauty is worth celebrating! Teach your children the dances, the languages, the reasons behind the peculiar customs of the nations they belong to and allow them to join the celebration. (And yes, I said ‘nations’ on purpose – many children have, for one reason or another, more than one nation of belonging.)
So, if you are in the USA – Have a great day! Enjoy and remember and celebrate the blessings God has poured on your nation. It would be great to hear what you love about the 4th of July!
And if you are not in the US, drop a comment below about why you love your own national day and what you are thankful for.
It would be great to get a whole range of comments and nations represented today…
I love the relaxed nature of Australia Day – the permission I feel to just have a BBQ, or be lazy. I love the mix of cultures that Australia currently has and the way each one celebrates being an Aussie with a sense of unity.
I also love the steps towards reconciliation
(between the Indigenous Australians and those whose Australian heritage is much younger) that are encouraged each Australia Day.