Debt Free College? It’s Possible!
Ten years ago, my friend Lynn Pratt handed me a copy of her fresh-off-the-presses book Debt Free College–We Did It! The God Factor in Avoiding Student Loans.
Lynn’s three children had all graduated from college debt free, and two nieces continued the adventure. The book tells their stories.
It also tells a God story. Essentially, that when you decide to live Matthew 6:33, amazing things happen.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Put God first. Do what is right. He will provide.
And he did … over and over and over again … as Karis, Cason, and Clinton worked (not always for pay), saved (but also gave money and possessions away), prayed, and trusted (like the time Cason went back for winter quarter with $150 in the bank and a $900 monthly tuition payment due).
Starting with Karis, Lynn says,
we simply moved forward, making decisions that seemed best. In other words, we based our decisions on what we believed was the right thing to do, not on fears about money (or the lack thereof). We decided to press on until the doors to the halls of learning slammed in our faces.
But they never did.
‘”Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” –Matthew 6:8
And Lynn is candid: The four-year degrees took five years. Wardrobes and possessions were slim. Fun came mostly in the form of free activities. (But don’t think these students lived boring lives: Homecoming queen. Backpacker across Europe. Musician. Summer missionary. This is the short list.)
Trust wasn’t always easy. The numbers didn’t always add up. But somehow, when money was needed, money was there. That’s the God Factor.
Now, confession time: When I read Lynn’s book ten years ago, my daughters had student loans. My husband and I had parent loans. And I thought, Hmm, that’s nice for Lynn’s family. And it’s probably the best way, BUT … it’s too late for us.
Even though Lynn has a chapter about that too.
And even though every chapter, every story, brims with the truths and the promises Lynn’s family chose to act upon in situation after situation.
Ten years ago I was just beginning to understand the power of God’s Word.
Fortunately, my daughters each managed to pay off their student debt rather quickly–a combination of simple living and sufficient income. But many graduates find their student debt a burden that hinders and hounds them for years.
And the US Congress just doubled the interest rate on new student loans.
I don’t think loans are always wrong. But I also know that Matthew 6:33 is always right. If you have children headed for college, or even in college now, you might want to read Lynn’s book and put your faith in the Lord of Financial Aid–not the Financial Aid Office.
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Earlier this year the Cincinnati Enquirer featured the story of Danielle Metz, who read Lynn’s book and graduated debt free from Milligan College in Tennesee. The Fine Arts faculty at the college gave Danielle a “Persistance Award” along with her diploma.
Debt Free College–We Did It! The God Factor in Avoiding Student Loans is available from
Visit Diane at © 2013, Diane Stortz
As the mom of a high school senior, this sounds very interesting! Thanks for the book recommendation. I’ll check it out.