Do You Have a “Pre-Show” Ritual?
Oftentimes when we hear the word ‘ritual,’ it has a negative association in our minds. We think about going through the motions. Doing something by rote or without feeling. But rituals can be a good thing. They can teach us discipline. They can make us more faithful, more focused people.
A few weeks ago I was listening to a broadcast on Moody Radio Cleveland by Gary Bittner. One of Gary’s mentors, Bob Devine, had recently passed away, and he shared a list that Bob had left for him many years ago when Gary was just getting started in broadcasting and had been asked to fill in for Bob on his radio program.
The list was a sort of ritual that Bob went through before each broadcast. I gained a lot from the list and thought that you might too. You can find a link to the list here, but I’ve also pasted it below.
Bob Devine’s rules for pre-show preparation
1. Pray for cleansing from sin.
2. Pray for God to fill you with His spirit.
3. Pray for Him to put His words in your mouth, said His way, at His time.
4. Pray for God to help you.
5. Pray for grace, strength, endurance, and acuity from God.
6. Keep comments short, yet complete.
From Bob Devine to a substitute Clockwatcher host…August 1993
I love how “God-focused” this list is. Before Bob began, he got himself out of the way and prayed for God to fill him, use him and guide him in the way that He thought best. This list has challenged me to create my own ‘pre-show’ ritual before each storytelling performance I give and before I start any writing projects.
I believe that having such a ritual will remind me of the greater purpose behind what I do. It will keep me faithfully submitting myself to be filled and used as His vessel. It will also bring a certain peace and comfort knowing that I have committed everything that I’m about to do to Him and am trusting Him to do things as He sees fit.
Do you have your own “pre-show” ritual? If so, what’s on it? Or, if you’re like me and are just now getting inspired to create one, what do you think would be most important item for you to add? I believe that no matter what we do — whether writer, performer, teacher or mother — we have nothing to lose by turning our work over to Him.
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