Count Your Blessings
As a child growing up in a traditional church, I loved the hymn “Count Your Blessings.” It’s an old song—written in 1897 by Johnson Oatman, Jr. I still love that song today because it is a great reminder of how blessed we are, and when we realize our blessings, it gives us joy.
Our day-to-day lives can get bogged down with problems and frustrations. It is easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed. But if we stop to recognize all of our many blessings and gifts that God showers on us every day, our heavy hearts can be lifted. Joy and gratitude will replace worry and frustration. We can turn a bad day into a good day by focusing on God’s goodness and grace.
When I was in the thick of raising little ones, I sat down one day to count my blessings. Since my brain is wired to write in rhyme, the following poem spilled out on my paper:
Counting My Blessings
In counting my blessings in need to include:
clean air to breathe, water, and food,
children to teach, babies to love,
a warm cozy house, and angels above.
In counting my blessings I must think of these:
a peaceful sunset, a warm gentle breeze,
a fresh summer rain, a starlit night,
and strong little arms that hug me so tight.
In counting my blessings these will be there:
friends in my life, and people who care,
places to worship, freedom to pray,
and wisdom from God day after day.
In counting my blessings it’s easy to see,
that the Lord must care very deeply for me.
Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done.