This Babe So Small by Jann W. Martin
This Babe So Small
Author: Jann W. Martin
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Ferne Press (2007)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-933916-13-2
Price: $11.95
Ages: 4-9 (this reviewer’s opinion)
Reviewed By: Janice D. Green
Jann W. Martin has written an imaginative fictionalized story of the birth of the Christ Child through the eyes of a daughter of the innkeeper in Bethlehem. She overhears a conversation between two Rabbis, one who believes he is seeing signs that the Son of God will come soon, and the other who dismisses the possibility as unrealistic. She then begins seeing and hearing signs all her own and ultimately gets to see the Christ Child herself and to share her blanket with baby Jesus..
Even though I personally prefer not to add characters to Bible stories that aren’t in the Bible, Jan Martin has used this technique to bring out concepts that are Biblical in describing the nature of God and His purpose in sending Jesus to earth. The story is well told and heartwarming.
What I like about the story: I like seeing the story through a child’s eyes filled with wonder and excitement.
What I dislike about the story: It bothers me some that the child has so much understanding about who the Christ Child is from the beginning when the religious leaders knew so little. But the story is written so beautifully that my bent for Biblical accuracy pales against it. I feel parents and teachers might use this as a teaching opportunity when the listening child is ready to learn the story of the Birth of Christ in greater depth.
I purchased a copy of this book and am under no obligation to give a good review. This review contains my honest opinions, for which I have not been compensated in any way.
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