What’s Standing In Your Way?
Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
Matthew 16:23
At first glance these words of Jesus look extremely harsh. In fact, when I first read them, I had to do a double-take. Is Jesus really calling his own dear friend Satan? Yes, he is. Imagine how hurt Peter must have felt. So why would Jesus refer to him that way? What was the reason?
I believe that Jesus knew the Father’s plan for his life. He knew that the Father had called him to die a painful death on the cross, and as hard a pill as that was to swallow, Jesus knew it was his life’s mission.
Peter, on the other hand, didn’t understand that. In fact, as Jesus explained to his disciples that he would suffer many things, be killed and on the third day raised to life, Peter saw fit to correct him. The book of Matthew, chapter 16, tells us that Peter took Jesus aside and began to rebuke him. “Never, Lord! This shall never happen to you!” he said. Peter reacted this way because he didn’t want his good friend to suffer and die. Peter understood the things of men, but he didn’t yet understand the things of God.
Jesus, on the other hand, reacted as he did, because he knew he could let no one get in the way of fulfilling his mission, even his dear friend. Jesus also understood that Satan can manipulate us – he can turn our eyes from the things of God to the things of this world. Satan uses everything he can to convince us that we don’t need to walk the road of self-sacrifice to which God calls us, but rather that we can walk the road that pleases us and is easiest for us. Satan can use even our family and friends to try and stop us from carrying out God’s will and plans for our lives.
Think about how things would’ve been different if Jesus would’ve listened to Peter! He would’ve avoided the cross, the humiliation and pain of it; however, the work of saving humanity would’ve been lost forever. Jesus rightly understood that God’s plan is best, even if it’s difficult to carry out. He also knew that anything that keeps us from accomplishing God’s plan for us is a stumbling block and needs to be put behind us so we can fix our eyes on Jesus and continue on the path to which he has called us.
Is anyone or anything standing in your way of following Jesus? Who or what are the stumbling blocks that keep you from fulfilling God’s purposes for your life?
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