A Perfect Parable for Valentine’s Day
Recently my read-through-the-Bible plan had me in the Gospel of Matthew, and Jesus’ familiar parable of the sower stood out. It’s a perfect parable for Valentine’s Day!
Four soils planted with gospel seed. Four hearts, really.
Three can’t grow the seed, for various reasons. But the fourth, the good soil, can and does–abundantly.
Good planting soil needs cultivation. Jesus’ hearers–many of them farmers–knew this. The note in my ESV Study Bible says the good soil “depicts the heart that has been prepared to receive the gospel.”
I immediately thought of Timothy, the young minister mentored by the apostle Paul. In a letter, Paul reminded Timothy, “From childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 3:15).
Timothy’s Jewish mother and grandmother had taught him from the Hebrew Bible, which they must have known well themselves. At some point, Eunice and Lois became followers of Christ. And when Timothy was old enough to understand the gospel, he also believed–because his heart had been prepared by the Word of God. In Scripture he had met a holy, powerful, faithful, loving Creator God who wanted Timothy to live with him forever.
Oh, how I want today’s children to know God’s Word, the Bible–to know its story, to memorize its promises, to see its importance to the influential adults in their lives. I’m grateful that, like the other authors who post on this site, I get to write books that introduce children to that book! And ultimately, the living and abiding word of God, the word of the Lord that remains forever (1 Peter 1:23-25), will introduce them to the Living Word, Jesus–who is God’s Valentine to the world.
Visit Diane at www.dianestortz.com © 2014, Diane Stortz
Perfect. Thanks for sharing on this special day.
Diane, this gets to the very heart and core of who we are as authors on this blog. Thanks for saying it so clearly and succinctly. It resonates deep in my soul. Happy Valentine’s Day, sweet writing sister!
What a beautiful post, Diane. The parable of the sower is one of my favorites.
I feel very blessed to be among the Word-inspired writers on this site. Many blessings to you.