The Story of Easter by Christopher Doyle, illustrated by John Haysom
The Story of Easter
Author: Christopher Doyle
Illustrator: John Haysom
Picture Book: 29 pages
Publisher: Concordia Publishing House (2005)
Language: English
ISBN 13: 978-0-7586-0837-6
ISBN 10: 0-7586-0837-3
List price: $7.99
Reviewed By: Janice D. Green
I have wanted to write a Bible storybook about the events surrounding Easter week and every time I tried to decide what should be included and what should be omitted, I felt overwhelmed. My manuscript has not yet been written.
So when I noticed The Story of Easter as I ordered another book I wanted through CBD a few days ago, I jumped at the opportunity to add the book to my order. I was not disappointed.
Christopher Doyle has done an excellent job of selecting the best scenes to make his re-telling of the account appropriate for all ages. He is obviously an accomplished storyteller. His writing sounds very natural and pulls the reader into the story with realistic details. The life-like illustrations lend credibility to the story.
Events in the book begin with a brief introduction that takes the reader back to the Garden of Eden where man’s sin nature began, and to mankind’s need for a Savior. The week begins with Christ’s grand welcome to Jerusalem by the common people beginning the week of Passover. Jesus then overturns the tables of the money-changers and marketers in the temple, heals the sick, tells parables, is anointed with expensive perfume, eats the Passover meal with the twelve disciples and washes their feet. The events continue in chronological order through Jesus betrayal, capture, flogging, and crucifixion. Then follows Jesus’ resurrection with Mary seeing Jesus at the tomb and running to tell the disciples that Jesus is alive. Jesus appears again to the disciples, and to Peter, James, & John as they are fishing.
This book belongs in every Christian home where people are coming to know Jesus as Savior. It is written simply enough for children to understand, but the truths presented are helpful for people of all ages. I give it five 🙂 out of a possible five with no hesitation.
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