All Ye Little Children
On Palm Sunday the children from the preschool department came marching down the aisle waving their palm branches and singing their hearts out. One of the songs they sang was a song from my generation, “Praise Him, Praise Him, all ye little children. God is love; God is love.” It was heart-tugging and inspiring to see the precious little ones, so full of joy while praising their heavenly Father.
I think the reason the song is still current is that praising God never changes. There are many different ways to praise God, but giving Him our sacrifice of song and praise is how we worship Him.
God never changes and neither does His love.God’s love for us is unconditional. If we are His children, He loves us even when we mess up. If you believe in Jesus as your Savior, then you are God’s child–no matter how old or young you may be. God loves you like a loving father loves his children. So join the little ones in joyfully praising your heavenly Father as we look to the cross this week. Jesus paid the ultimate price so that you could be accepted as God child.
Praise Him, praise Him, all ye little children!
What a beautiful image – the joyful praise from the little children!