Worth building up.
Sunday school leaders, Bible class teachers, children’s ministry workers – these are the people that strive away each week preparing, teaching, encouraging and praying for the children in our community. They rarely take sick days – not because they don’t get sick – but because there is no one to take their place. They often spend from their own resources to supply craft materials or extra curriculum material. We happily sign our kids into amazing programs run by these dedicated and passionate people, but how often do we stop to recognize the work they do? How often do we thank them, pray for them or ask how we could support them as they continue with their faithful work?
Let’s make a point of regularly taking time out of our week to build up the people who spend so much building up our kids. Here are some ideas anyone from the church community can do:
- Next time you see the children being dropped off or collected from a church or ministry program look your child (or grandchild’s) leader in the eye and thank them specifically for a part of the ministry they perform. Eg. ‘Thank you, Leisa, for your enthusiasm for the gospel.’
- Ask one of the children’s ministry team if there are any practical supplies they are running short of, then make a point of stocking up on that item next time you are at the shops. (Some possibilities could be glue-sticks, coloured paper, felt-tip pens etc)
- Surprise one of your kids teachers with a card or note that expresses your appreciation.
- Dedicate time each week to pray for the children’s gospel ministries happening in your area – and tell one of the workers involved what you are doing so they can forward prayer requests your direction.
- Then follow up with the people you are praying for, take time to let them share their stories with you!
- Hold a special morning tea or supper in honour of those who do children’s ministry in your church. (Involve the children in the reconnaissance work required to gather favourite food information!)
- Volunteer to be available for relief teaching. You’ll never know what a blessing a backup plan can be!
- Check to see if there is enough funding to cover what your children’s ministry team would like to achieve this year. If there is a shortage, pray about helping out or organise a fundraiser on their behalf.
- Sponsor one or two children’s Bible teachers to local children’s ministry training conferences. It can be such an encouragement to meet and fellowship with other people passionate about kids ministry – and a double bonus to know there is a team back at home supporting such a passion!
- Jump onto Facebook and write a quick message of thanks and appreciation on their wall. Remember, be specific where possible. (Eg. Hi Sue, just thinking today about the many years you have faithfully taught our children. Thank you!)
So, who does the kids ministry in your church or community? Who’s sharing the gospel with kids in your area?
Choose to do something to build them up today!
Thankyou Penny! I particularly like the part about volunteering for back up duty & regularly praying for the different groups. Another way our church communities can support their children’s ministry workers is by regularly bringing their own children along to activities and encouraging them to invite friends.
Yes, there is an incredible opportunity for church families to invite their friends! And it can be done so naturally too.
I love these ideas. I’ve been the only Sunday school teacher at our church for years. It can be tough to keep coming up with lessons each week, but it’s so rewarding when you can tell you’ve reached one of your students with the Word.
Yes, I think you are right about the rewards (unseen to most) that keep children’s workers going.
Let’s hope you get a new volunteer soon to catch the excitement and share the blessing!
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