Why I Write
The world of publishing is hard to break into. As is true for most things in life, there are no shortcuts. You don’t go from writing a picturebook story on your lunch hour to getting it published by a major royalty publishing house the next week. It just doesn’t work like that. I know that statistics are always changing, but the latest one I read stated that only 1% of writers who submit their work will ever get published the traditional way. And even after a children’s book gets published, it might sell a few thousand copies while it is in print for a few short years. The author may receive a small work-for-hire fee, or a small advance on royalties. It the author receives an advance, he or she may never see another payment because the book will most likely go out of print before the full advance is recouped.
With all of these depressing statistics, someone might wonder why I write. The answer is—because I have to. Writing is in my heart and soul and mind. It’s a passion that is so deep it is hard to explain. For me, writing is breathing.
Writing for the Christian children’s market is satisfying and rewarding. When I receive an email from a mom who tells me her child learned how to pray from one of my books, that is my reward. When a friend tells me that her brother’s family started going to church after she gave them one of my books, that is better than a paycheck.
I recently received an email from a mom who asked if her daughter could interview me for a book report on my book Is God Always With Me? Of course, I agreed to the interview and answered the 1st grader’s questions. Her mother got permission from Tyndale House to use a picture of the cover on her report. A week later I received another email from the mom which included a picture of her daughter holding her report. She won 1st place in her grade and received a $450 scholarship toward college.
I had no idea when I wrote that book, that I would be interviewed by a 1st grader girl who would win a competition. I had no idea when I wrote The One Year Book of Devotions for Preschoolers that a family would start going to church after reading the book. I had no idea that My Thanksgiving Prayer would help a preschool child learn how to pray. But God knew. And that’s why I write.
Always write for HIm!
So exciting to hear these stories!
Children’s writers don’t hear many stories about how their work impacts lives – but the few we do receive prove the value of what we do. Lovely to hear how God is using your work Crystal.
I agree with Penny. This is a sweet reminder of why we do what we do. Thanks, Crystal.
Lovely, true post. Thank you!
Thank you ladies. I am sure you can relate, and I am sure you have some stories of your own.
What a wonderful story, Crystal. It is so exciting to see the results of our labors given in service to Him. Thanks for sharing this. It definitely inspires me to keep going.
A lovely post, Crystal. Thanks for sharing ~ those moments are so special, and will last for eternity.
I love it when a parent says to me “They keep asking me to read your books to them” or “They enjoy looking through the books and retelling the story on their own.” To me the enjoyment the children get from the story while learning truths about God & His Son Jesus is a great blessing.
I knew you ladies could relate to this! Thanks for sharing the great comments.