When We Forget Who We Really Are
They charge through the back door wearing their toothy smiles and holding out their arms, ready for great big hugs from this Grams.
For a moment, while I inhale their youth, I catch a glimpse of their father – a slight resemblance – in the shape of her face and in his silly, boyish smile. How marvelous!
Wriggling out of my arms they dive into the toy box and Sister quickly emerges with a noble theme. She proudly dons a princess crown, happily announcing her royal presence throughout the kingdom. Suddenly, Brother yanks the sparkling royalty from her head. Arms flail, tears flow, and the little prince and princess misplace their own identities.
There are times we misplace our identities, too. Maybe someone yanks our rightful place out from under us or someone steels our innocence and then walks away. Sometimes though, we’re our own worst enemy – adopting those labels others slap on our backs – until we forget who we are and whose we are.
We need reminding that we are sons and daughters of the King in need of a great rescue.
The King rescues his children
In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons (and daughters) through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will—to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. Ephesians 1:5
Throwing colored paper, stickers, and magic markers on the table, Mother and I rescue the moment by transforming the dining room into the Royal Crown Factory. Their eyes fix on my hands as I trace and cut out two pointy, cut-out paper crowns. Busy hands and active imaginations quickly transform these plain shapes into sparkling creations. Smiles reappear across their little royal faces as they once again crown themselves prince and princess.
Love, love, LOVE this! Beautifully written, a sweet reminder of our identity in Christ. And what cute pictures of your grands. Thanks for this post. Hugs!
Thank you, Linda. I love how God uses the ordinary things to remind us how extraordinary we are, don’t you?
Excellent! Thanks for posting this reminder. It is good for us as well as our children and grands.
Amen to that, Janice!
What a beautiful post, Dawn. This is so true.