The Sky Speaks
Growing up in West Michigan, summer was always my favorite season of the year. I was never a fan of cold weather, and in Michigan we’d get a lot of that! I loved the warm summer days when I could play outdoors with my neighborhood friends, running through the sprinklers and eating popsicles. I also spent many summer days at our family cottage, baiting hooks with worms to catch some perch or bluegills for dinner. But my favorite part of summer was when we would drive out to Lake Michigan to watch the sunset. The vast open sky above the sparking blue water was breathtaking. The swirling hues of orange and yellow, red and purple, where indescribable.
As a little girl I felt the presence of God when I looked at the sky. I always believed in God, and I knew he was real. But there was something extra special about looking at the works of his hands. I felt so close to God as I watched the glowing sun sink into the multicolored horizon. I knew that only God could paint something so majestic and glorious. Nature is one of the ways God reveals himself to us. All of creation tells about the glory of God. Day and night, the skies put on a show, letting the world know that our Creator lives.
I am now a grandmother living in Florida, and I still marvel at the beauty that surrounds me every day. God is great and glorious—the skies proclaim it. May we proclaim it too!
The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. Psalm 19:1-2 NLT
How can I tell of God’s glory to someone today?
Oh, the sky is definitely a great way to feel the presence of God. When we drive down to North Carolina each year, I often take the very early morning shift so that I get a chance to watch the sky turn from black to gray to bluish purple to bluish pink and then blue with puffs of white clouds. I can’t help but feel God is with us for the ride.