Review of I Have Two Daddies: An Earthly Daddy and A Heavenly Daddy
Title: I Have Two Daddies: An Earthly Daddy and A Heavenly Daddy
Author: Lynn Calvin
ISBN: 978-1434369437
Age: 4 to 10 years old
SRP: $17.90 (paperback); $3.99 (kindle)
My Rating:
My Review: Father’s Day is just a few days away and I wanted to share a little known book that is perfect for the occasion. I Have Two Daddies: An Earthly Daddy and A Heavenly Daddy is a story of a little girl who tells of the love she experiences from having an earthly daddy and a heavenly daddy. In the story the little girl starts with the concrete ways she knows her earthly father loves her. For example, she mentions she knows her earthly daddy loves her because he takes care of her. The story then progresses to talk about the abstract ways the little girl knows her heavenly daddy loves her (i.e. He sent Jesus to die for her sins).
This book makes a great discussion book about what “fatherly love” looks like. There are tender pictures of a father spending time with his child outside playing, performing household repairs, and reading bedtime stories. As someone who was raised without an earthly daddy, I like how this book also reassures the reader that everyone can have at least one daddy who cares about them.
The illustrations in this book are colorful and lifelike. I like that the illustrator did not try to draw the heavenly daddy (i.e. God) in detail. The heavenly daddy is depicted as a yellow light. The book includes two scriptural references (John 3:16 and Romans 10:9-10).
So if you looking for a good picture book about earthly daddies and a heavenly daddy check out I Have Two Daddies: An Earthly Daddy and A Heavenly Daddy. If you have any other book recommendations for Father’s Day, please feel free to leave them in the comment section.
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