Review of The Innkeeper’s Dog
Title: The Innkeeper’s Dog
Author: Deborah Bence Boerema
ISBN: 978-1625103239
Age: 3 to adult
SRP: $8.99 (paperback); $6.39 (kindle)
My Rating:
How would you feel if you were the only animal in the stable to miss seeing Baby Jesus being born? How about if you listen to all your friends repeatedly talk about how great the night was and all the wonderful gifts they gave Baby Jesus? What if you realized you did not have a gift or talent to give Baby Jesus? These are all things Thaniel the Spaniel faces in The Innkeeper’s Dog by Deborah Bence Boerema.
In the story, Thaniel is able to recognize all the reasons he should be grateful (i.e., shelter, food, friends). However, he still struggles with feelings of jealousy, anger, and sadness about missing the birth of Baby Jesus and having to listen to the stories told by his friends about their awesome talents. Even after Thaniel starts working as a sheep dog, he is unable to recognize his purpose. Then, one day, his owner is able to clarify Thaniel’s purpose and help him understand why he does not remember the birth of Baby Jesus.
This book is a touching story which relates that God created each of us for a purpose and with gifts and talents. It is packed with discussion points from beginning to end and you may find yourself reading it over and over again to the little ones in your life. Specifically, I think this book can be used in the following ways:
- Discussion on how to cope with negative emotions (Thaniel did not act out when he felt sad, angry or jealous)
- Discussion on how God created everyone special
- Discussion on how we can use our gifts and talents to serve others
- The importance of known/discovering your gifts and talents
- The importance of keeping busy until you discover your gifts and talents (I think this is one a lot of adults struggle with)
About the Author: Deborah Bence Boerema loves children, dogs, and writing. Deb has been a published textbook author for years. When she started writing for younger children, it seemed only natural that her first main character, Thaniel the Spaniel, should be a dog. When Deb’s not working at her computer (with a dog in her lap!), she enjoys camping and bicycling with her son and husband in Central Ohio.
To learn more about Deborah Bence Boerema visit her at: There are several wonderful lessons there to go along with the book.
That is all for now. Continue to pray for me as I pray for you,
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