Review of Jonah and the Great Big Fish, by Rhonda Gowler Greene
Title: Jonah and the Great Big Fish
Author: Rhonda Gowler Greene
ISBN: 978-0310732198
Age: 3-8
SRP: $9.99 (hardback); $5.99 (ebook)
My Rating:
Jonah and the Great Big Fish, by Rhonda Gowler Greene is a wonderful book that tells a familiar Bible story in rhyme. For example, this book included the following line.
God told Jonah to obey, said, ‘Go to Nineveh this day.’
But, stubborn Jonah fled instead. Didn’t do just what God said.
Jonah’s disobedience landed him inside a big fish!
And there he had time to think and pray.
I love the fact that this book includes the complete story of Jonah. It starts with God commanding Jonah to travel to Ninevah and covers all the major points (i.e., the storm that caused Jonah to be thrown over boarded, Jonah being swallowed by a fish, Jonah’s eventual repentance and obeying God). Since this story of Jonah is so thorough, Jonah and the Great Big Fish is an excellent book to teach a child about the consequences of being disobedient and what to do if you are disobedient (pray, ask for forgiveness and obey).
The illustrations in this book are bright and colorful. They are a cross between being cartoonish and realistic.
About the Author: Rhonda Gowler Greene is the author of over 20 children’s books. Her books have received various honors, such as School Library Journal Best Book, American Booksellers “Pick of the List,” Children’s Book Council Showcase Book, Bank Street College Best Book, International Reading Association Children’s Choice Book, Junior Library Guild selection, Michigan Reads One State One Children’s Book Award, and also starred reviews.
A dynamic speaker, Rhonda loves presenting at schools, libraries, and conferences. She especially likes talking to students of all ages about how to improve their writing.
A former elementary learning disabilities teacher, Rhonda earned her B.A. in elementary and special education from Northern Kentucky University and her master’s in educational media from Xavier University in Cincinnati. She currently resides in southeast Michigan.
You can learn more about Rhonda by visiting
That is all for now. Continue to pray for me as I pray for you,
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I know Rhonda Gowler Greene and she is a great author and speaker as well as a great person. She has many top quality picture books that kids and parents love.
Great review, Corine.