A Lesson In Trust from a 4 Month Old
Today my little boy is 4 months old. My how the time has flown by! I absolutely love spending time with him and one of the things that brings me the greatest joy is to see how much he trusts me to care for him and meet his needs. When he sees me coming, he will often break into a huge smile for just that reason.
Last week, I had an interesting experience with him that taught me about trust. He and I were sitting on the couch, and I was nursing him. He was half-asleep, drinking his milk. My husband was in the other room where he was doing a construction project. He turned on his very loud Shop-Vac to vacuum up some debris, and in that moment, my startled son’s eyes popped open. They communicated a mixture of shock and fear. The sound had clearly caught his attention.
I was expecting him to cry or become upset, but he didn’t. Instead, he quickly closed his eyes and settled back to nursing, unconcerned. As he did, he taught me a lesson about faith and trust in the Lord.
Had the sound shocked him? Yes. Had it perhaps frightened him? Yes. But did it worry him or cause him to get upset? No. Why not? Because he was in his safe place. He was cuddled up with his mom, who he knows from experience will meet his needs and protect him.
As I watched how quickly he went from shock to perfect peace, I thought about my relationship with the Lord and realized that I want to have the kind of faith in God that my son has in me. Will things in life startle and shock me? Yes. But they don’t have to shake me, upset me, or cause me to worry. Instead, if I remain close to Him; if I hide my life in Him; if I rest in who He is — my God and Father who is able to meet all of my needs — then nothing will be able to rob me of my peace.
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