Six Months To Choosing A Gift
It took Joseph, my nine-year-old grandson, six months to choose his birthday gift from me. His birthday is January 4th and that’s a time he is still engrossed in all his Christmas gifts. But, each month after the date passed, I asked my daughter, “Does Joseph know what he wants for his birthday yet?” It seemed he was compiling lists and debating what to do. Should he get something to do, like horseback lessons, or a new toy or game. He didn’t really want to make up his mind. He wanted to continue dreaming about the promised gift.
There’s something wonderful about a dream. For my grandson, there’s something fun about the yet to be built item before he puts the pieces together. Somehow once it is fulfilled that dream ends. He finally made his choice for some new toys. I went to order, but needed to spend a few more dollars for free shipping. So, I found a book related to his new building toys and added that in. The toys arrived first and he had a great time building and playing with them. Then the book came. He read it over and over again. On the phone, two months after receiving the gifts he is still talking about the little book. The book sparked his imagination. Of course, now he is starting to compile his Christmas lists and trying to persuade his younger siblings to add his overflow desires to their lists. Hopefully, he’ll add some books to his list.
For writers, words are like the blocks and building sets for kids. We dream of the finished work and enjoy the building process. Then, we want to dream of something new to create.
For readers, dreams are like books. When we finish one there’s elation, and then a desire for a new one to relish.
Books are favorite gifts in my family. I’ve already started my Christmas shopping and so far, all the gifts I’ve bought are books! Thankfully, all my grandchildren love to read and those who are too young to read love to be read to. I’m so thankful!
Thanks for the great post.
Thanks for the comment. I love to buy books as gifts also. They are so lasting!