Magic Words
What’s the magic word?
Did your parents ever ask you that question? Mine did. Of course, they didn’t really believe in magic. But what they meant was, if I wanted something the first step to make it happen was to say please.
Saying please didn’t automatically grant my request. However it did remind me that I was asking, not demanding.There was another magic word I was required to use. This one came after the request was granted. Thank you. More than polite words, please and thank you prompted me to remember my dependence on the giver.
The older I get, the more I realize how dependent I am on the ultimate Giver, God.
For physical necessities.
For luxuries.
For health and strength.
For salvation.
For life!
I can’t do anything on my own. Oh, sometimes I may think I can. Problem is, I’m just fooling myself if I believe it. Even regarding something as simple as going to work and earning a salary, the Bible reminds us God is the one who gives us the ability to earn wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).
This also applies to my restored relationship with the holy Creator and Sustainer of the universe. No matter how hard I might have tried, there was absolutely nothing I could have done to pay for the sin that separated me from my heavenly Father. But He did for me what I could not do for myself. Through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, He paid my debt—a debt I could never hope to pay on my own.
Then He went a step further by giving me—and every Christian—the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit to keep me in that restored relationship.
He did the work, and I get the blessing.
Please and thank you. They’re not magic words. They’re simply an acknowledgment of my dependence on my Giver…for everything!
I love this post, Ava. I’ve never thought of this benefit of teaching children to say please and thank you. It does teach dependence on the giver, which translates to depending on God. Thanks for this new perspective!
Thank you, Linda. It was an eye-opening change in my perspective, too!