Our Daily Bread for Kids
Our Daily Bread devotionals have been around for decades. These small monthly booklets have been used for generations and have stood the test of time. The brand name, Our Daily Bread, is taken from the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread.” Just as we need daily food for our bodies, we also need daily food for our souls.
Our Daily Bread for Kids is a brand new release—just in time for Christmas. I had the honor of co-authoring this book with my daughter, Teri McKinley. Rather than a paperback monthly booklet, this product is a hardcover one-year devotional book, and is the first children’s product for Our Daily Bread. The subtitle is: 365 Meaningful Moments with God.
The book is designed for kids ages 7-10, but older children and even adults can enjoy the daily readings, which makes it perfect for a family mealtime devotional. Each day’s reading includes a Scripture verse, a devotion, a “Fun Fact,” and a “Read More” suggestion which directs the reader to look up a short passage of Scripture that ties in with the reading.
Our Daily Bread for Kids is not a children’s Bible or Bible storybook. It is a devotional book that uses Bible characters and Bible stories to reinforce the lesson. For example, to teach lessons on courage we used stories about Esther, Moses, Daniel, and Peter. We also include many readings on God’s character—His greatness, holiness, and power. We told many stories of Jesus’ miracles and His ministry on earth. We enjoyed exploring some lesser known Bible stories that kids would find interesting. At the end of each reading, we help the reader see how the lesson and Scripture verses apply to everyday life—making it personal and practical. A glossary of words is included in the back as well as a topical index, making the book reader-friendly and easy to use.
To say this was a challenging assignment is an understatement. At times I felt like Moses at the burning bush saying, “Choose someone else!” But when God calls us, He also equips us. As I turned on my computer each day, I prayed for God to lead me and guide me—to give me ideas, words, and Scriptures. I prayed for the Holy Spirit’s power because I was powerless on my own. And God answered my prayers.
No matter what God calls us to do—whether it’s raise children, care for the sick, teach a Sunday school lesson, or write a book—God will work in and through us if we allow Him to and ask Him to. As the angel told Mary (December 16 reading), “Nothing is impossible for God!”
As you worship the Savior this Christmas season and all through the year, remember to give thanks to God for His unspeakable gift.
Our Daily Bread for Kids is available through the following links:
This is just the sort of thing I’ve been looking for for my youngest – will be keeping an eye out for it next time I’m shopping!