A Father’s Day Book
Tomorrow is Father’s Day! Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads reading this post!
Usually I post about a book that I love called Reading with Dad. You can read about it here.
Today, I am thinking about a different kind of book for dads — a Father’s Day gift book that a child of any age can make.
- One sheet of printer paper
- A small piece of decorative paper (for the cover)
- A stapler
- Scissors
- A ruler
- A pencil
- Colorful markers or pencils
- Use the ruler to draw a line, dividing the paper into two halves.
- Fold the papers in half to form pages for the book.
- Cut the decorative paper to make a cover.
- Staple the cover and the pages to form a booklet.
- Use the colorful markers or pencils to write or draw the book for dad.
TITLE IDEAS (Make the book about DAD!):
- I Love You Because
- Remember When We…
- My Dad Can…
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