Summer Lemonade and Bread Stands by Karen Whiting
I recall the days when zucchini overran the garden and my children set up a bread and muffin stand. They baked bread and muffins in the evening and sold their treats the next day. They made a good amount of money in a few weeks. The neighbors set up beside them to sell lemonade.
We lived in military housing and at lunch many active duty Coast Guard men and women walked by our front area making sales easy.
It’s summer and children often look for something to do and ways to earn money. The bread stand story is in my book The One Year Devotions for Active Boys as part of a week of devotions on money attitudes and ideas on making money. My children found a creative business and that’s a great way to teach them about money and attitudes toward material things.
Another son decided to earn money for his own computer and got a job with a friend who had a puppet company. He mostly hauled the stage and crates of puppets plus the sound system. He also performed when needed. He had experience on our church puppet team. At the end of the summer he bought his computer and started programming. I enjoyed watching him reach a goal.
Check out a few books at the library or local bookstore related to money and consider a hobby that could generate cash. It’s easier to sell things with social networks.
Enjoy the sunshine and fun with children who feel free with summer break!
My daughter is at this point right now–her wallet is a little thin. The library sounds like a good place to start.