The Book Swap!
Ever found yourself with too many books?
Rearranging your bookshelves to make room for new purchases, but not knowing what to do with the good books you don’t need to keep anymore?
If your answers were yes, then you’re a lot like me. I love books and frequently buy, or are given new ones. But I also try (emphasis on try) to live a fairly de-cluttered life, and this means that if there isn’t space on the bookshelf for more books, some of the old ones have to find new homes.
For a while I struggled with this idea because, as I said earlier, I LOVE books and hate the idea of throwing old ones out. But, one of the beautiful things about the physical book is its ability to be passed on and re-read. So I came up with an idea: The Book Swap.
What is it?
A Book Swap is a group of book lovers, like myself, who swap and/or pass around second hand books. In my situation we have an online group, hosted as a closed Facebook group. But a Book Swap can also be a physical group, an email list, or the extension of an existing book club.
How does it work?
People with books they no longer need offer their books to other members of the group. Those who are interested can request a book. It’s pretty easy. There is no joining fee and no purchase fee – just the willingness to occasionally offer books as well as request them. You may keep or pass on any book you receive, but there is no obligation to return that particular book to its original owner.
Start your own!
If you’d like to be part of a Book Swap in your area here are a few tips:
* Decide how your Book Swap might work best for your group of friends/acquaintances. A once a month coffee gathering? A Facebook group? A Google+ circle? A book club addition?
* Invite people you know love books and ask them to invite others to join in. The more people you have involved, the wider the range of books available.
* Decide if your Book Swap will have a theme, eg. Books for Kids, or will be a general book swapping group.
* Have clear expectations of how books can be passed on. In my Facebook group we arrange all book swapping between individuals involved. This may include arranging to meet at a cafe, or dropping off books in a mailbox. If postage is required that is also arranged and postage paid before shipping takes place. If your group is a physical one, eg a book club, swapping is just a matter of remembering to bring along the books you want to offer away!
* Think of ways to use books that are not swapped. I’ll be collecting my books and donating them to a charity book-stall. This way, even if my friends don’t enjoy my old books, I know some good will come from them.
Happy book-swapping, and happy reading!
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