Three Ways to Give Books to Needy Children
This week I saw a promotion for free books for needy children. The organization placed a vending-style machine in several locations. The machine (which delivered its wares for free) was filled with books.
It made me think of other ways to give books to children in need. Sure, kids can go to the library. THAT is always a great idea, but we must face the fact that not all families make taking their kids to the library a priority.
Here are three ways to make help kids in need have the privilege of holding a book to claim as their own.
Fill Backpacks
Lots of schools and churches have a drive to fill backpacks with back to school supplies for needy kids. Why not add one or more books to each of the backpacks?
Adopt a Child at a Book Fair
Contact the organizer of a local book fair. Ask to “adopt” one or more of the children attending. If it is a school book fair, you might give the organizer several envelopes of money (each containing enough for a child to buy one book). The kids will feel like their peers if they can pay for their book treasure finds.
Establish a Book Box at the Health Department
Many needy families with young children go to the Health Department for immunizations and other medical services. Contact the director to see if a free book box could be placed near the door. Children can explore the books while waiting to be seen and take a special book home with them as they leave.
What other ideas can you think of to get books into the hands of needy children?
I am blessed to have written two tween devos from Zonderkidz.
What are people saying about the devotionals?
- The super fun feature about this devotional is it is interactive. Each devotional encourages drawing or something else artistic right in the book. Amazon Customer
- Got two grandsons who are creative and zany. Carol McAdams Moore has given me a tool to give to these young men that will incorporate their love of the wacky to the Creator of their minds. Cleo Lampos
For boys – For girls –
These are wonderful suggestions that I never would have thought of. Thanks for enlarging my mind and reminding us not everyone can obtain books in the usual ways.
Thank you, Linda! I love the opportunities to reach children during back-to-school supply drives.
Carol’s new devotional books are great! Packed with fun, creativity, and solid truth!
Thank you, Crystal!