Back to School and Back to Your Schedule
I think the toughest thing about the end of summer for us is getting back into our daily routines that include: school, work, sports, and homework.
Since the girls were little, I’ve done my best to try and ease the transition. Here are a few things you could try.
Slowly move toward school bedtime.
During the lazy days of summer, we often stay up late; especially when we are on vacation. It’s our practice around here to start the move toward back to school bedtime a month before school starts. Each week we reduce how late the girls can stay up by half an hour until they finally reach regular bedtimes.
Clean out the closets.
Both of our girls have small closets, so we can’t afford to let clothes they have outgrown take up needed space. Two weeks before school starts, we clean out closets and dressers to see what clothing needs to be donated. They are always excited to make room for a few new items to kick off the school year.
Organize school supplies.
I try not to buy school supplies too early, but I’m known to scoop up a sale or two when I can. The week before school starts, the girls organize their school supplies and decide which ones they will be taking to school on the first day. The rest get stacked neatly on the bookshelf until they need them.
Stock up on school lunch essentials.
The last week before school starts is also when I stock up on school lunch essentials: snacks, baggies, napkins, etc. The girls join me at the store so they can pick out the snacks they are hankering for, which helps reduce waste because their tastes change often.
Post sports calendars on the refrigerator or dry erase calendar.
One of the biggest challenges about this time of year is keeping all the sports or other extra-curricular activities straight–who needs to be where and when. Often I will print out a schedule and stick it on the refrigerator or use a dry erase calendar to keep me straight. That way we aren’t missing practices, violin, dance, or anything else that comes our way.
As I sit down to write this blog post, the girls are out shopping for a couple of last minute clothing essentials. Well, they think they are essentials. Dad might have a different idea. 🙂
What practices or systems do you put in place to help make the transition from summer to fall easier? Is there something looking back now that you wish you had done? Was there anything that didn’t work well for you?
Praying everyone has a blessed last few weeks of summer.
Pingback:Blogging at Christian Children’s Authors – Back to School | The Children's and Teens' Book Connection
Back to school also means back to routines at school. Early elementary ages sometimes struggle with being quiet in the classroom, walking single file in the hallway, and trying not to be too silly. After a long summer break, after Christmas or Thanksgiving break, even after spring break, they need time to get back into the routine of following school and classroom rules. Be patient with them. Hug them and remind them that no matter how bad their day is, there will always be someone to hug them and love them.