How do we find great books for Christian kids? If you are reading this, you may be thinking just that. After all, Christmas is coming. We want the children on our list to get books that affirm and challenge them as they grow and learn more about who they are in Christ.
We started the series here.
Last time, we looked at popular books and recommendations. Recommendations can also come in the form of reviews. Reviews are summaries and opinions of books. They usually include a rating (perhaps 1 – 5 stars) and a statement of whether or not the reviewer would recommend the book to other readers.
Yesterday, author Diane Stortz posted reviews of several new devotionals for kids. She also posted a list of review sites several weeks ago.
Where else can you get reviews of children’s books?
- Mommy blogger sites
- Christian periodicals
- Amazon
- Publisher websites
Today is the last day of this series. I’d love to know some of the great books for Christian kids that are on your shopping list this year. Please join me in a conversation by posting your comments below.